Townsville Daily Bulletin Archives, Mar 11, 1913, p. 1

Page 1 of Mar 11 1913 Issue of Townsville Daily Bulletin in Townsville, Queensland

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Townsville Daily Bulletin (Newspaper) – March 11, 1913, Townsville, Queensland National Library of Australia i it . Compa Oty limited a ? v ? ? ? Kim Siwwi ent omd steamers ra.,in tend l to be Des Patnod Froia toe kudu .9.wxbs&ha, v monday mar., x7, by ddts to # -.? a ? -.huban.jul. Liel Houra. Monday. Mar. 24, Adelaide . All w. A part to Flaven Wodonga Mackay 1 every monday. Gladstone 1 to pita. Traffic rom bag Way station . Luanda. To ?. Palmeb7 of Ardeu Fory of Mouri Bav 10 Ennis Foft. Concrete or jts Ved up j Idaj w Frap Only. At town Wurt. ? Wyneema. For Cairn direct wednesday. Mar. 12 ? 2.30 . Jolo town. 1 impure Day Luau a. Suva Normanton saturday mar is Borke Tolub g to Fol s .Jiareh 14. To tits. I \ big in Stert of fat a every monday. Get know by. �. 12jh Apjok. Act str Roeh cd no to 1 , eat Oday ? a Only. A Rev t Suva. R. Sch in direct march27th.? 10 . 2Tlppu at Brisbane or an shipping at Sydney. Veam to Sydney and Melo Bourne us. Empire. March 14. Kumano Mab. March 26. Of. Further particulars apply muhn8, a a co Ltd. Agents. Team to China and Japan a Manila. Eastern. March 17. Nikko Maeu Mabou 84, Ornul robot apply Burns Wui a, ? ? agents .55. And 67 Steamer i. Boyal mail steamers. Leave 6ydney every alter Nate. Week for Marseilles Plymouth Ana London connect Ina at port 6aiij with the 20-knot exam ass steamers Isis and osiris for Bruj disc. Main line steamers Hare . St & beyond Saloon Only. A. Goe Cun. Wesche. Superintendent in Australia. Foil ? particulars of passage Money etn., on application to. .cbn8. Phitts 00., Ltd., ? i the Trostle. ? steam vex ship company. Regular four weekly service from. ? Townsville to macassar 60ubabaya, Samar Ang Batavia and Padang Ria Torres Straits Benoe do Marseilles. Amster dam and Hamburg via sex Danall boch0m leaves on 27ti inst. To be followed by the Essen about four weeks later. Accommodation Fob Stock. All Eastern and european ports Book on through . For ire Iab. And full Daric Wilans apply o 6amdel Allen & sons. Ltd ? tents. W bit e. ? 8 1 u. I 1 n e. I Ted with wireless Tele Krathy. Yalj one Plau of accommodation. . Persic. I to sail in Oft Sydney about april 9. 1813/ _. F pm Tel Jaisey Joa Patori or ttat�f�l5-jss to -�24 3si London la to few Tork. Boston Jite. , a script fans Ifor pan Pete timer titles Bat pf3yreil it it apply. 6�. ? Palger it co. Ltd. Arenta i Towel Seville. Niji Yali packet 8.n. Company Tea liar monthly service to Papua jav1 a 6&gap0r,e. Gaoing at or Calros. Port moresby thursday Island port Damn 5 and Mac the Pine new steam mip i Tan Vaerwyck a b6nt-Maftca. P. Ewt Ope via Java Adelaide steamship co., Agenw was Rifle and Cairns. The astr Allan Oriental line. For Southern ports. . Gothrie. About Mabou Mth. First lass. Single. Brisbane. J0sydney. Melbo me. �10. Bentnra Jol us Ufa Fltais-riap1an, a Jef Steensland ports and port Darwin. . Changsha. About March 13. ? and Tainan. About april 1. L. 0. To Motrych. Agent. . Mor Tenco com Nan. Towns Popert Kei Ilock late of. The . Co., Ltd forwarding and. Commission agent. Jetty wharf Townsville. Town office Queensland into Range of Bunij no tend i Tat Oats and Mae 3h have a very ski deadly time of it in Yon will pro a Itei. ? \ Howard Smith co., limited managing agents. Steameh8 Are intended to bad patched from Jelv wharf easter breakwater. A Loi lows ? ? r direct for a Mackay Bombala a Iokua Nipton saturday mar. 16, port Alma 6 . A Riidam. Sydney Cooma Melbourne saturday mar. 22, Rran shipping for 6 . Ula atone. Univ. ? dab Orgl. Mary. Pub Corine. Foroogh. Ade Tsa Thadav. Mar. 16 Laide. Frem Antab 6 . Portal. From Jet a Kerf. ? ? Ucinda Point ? ?. Cardwe. V loosen Debby. Johnston a. Bar. Saturday. Mar 29, Cara a ? 1 .8 . I or Doi v prom town wharf. ? Luanda Pont i Ilass 0 to wite run Afao. I monday. Mat. 17, flunk Wand i 8 . The Tew a eur Mere. Caw a Pae Seneca and Banco leaves Rubone area Joeray for Marlboro Ufali and wharves. Combined bail no Sta Ainor tickets Rake Tioli dts by inti Dimiti beset Dith other inter state companies. Us oct to conditions to bes a attained on a Ami Smith o6mpanyvlimited� . ? managing agent. ? flin Dera treet and easter break Mae i Kelaidis Nieam shop x company limited. Steamers Are intended to be Des Paw id from jetty v hark cd a ? ? 1 or mme eur w0ll0wra, Macks. Thursday mar. 13, Trisvane 8.80 . ?5yaney ? Mellon int. Gantala Adelaide thursday Marot 20 Sci Gull 8io . A. T in. Grant Ala Foi saturday mar. 16, Cairns direct. 2 . Tott Tolly. Fully. River. Sunday. Mar. 16,. .4. . It ? ? Tulia. A Larj wreck. Sunday mar 16. ? . -4 pm. For Lii Linda. Steamer Early Joundi Uni fail ?.-?- ? .so44bi._i a. Of i Miler in Stein its Uil Atit us Jab lo0 and Wollow a Hasebe steer Auvil space. ,. Geanuia is fitted with Mirele Svitel . Saloon tie Katt after first i port of Call Are with other later state companies. Apply j. Dona Loon bran pm manager. Office find Era Street. Wharves Eastern break radar. Commissioner for bail Ayi office e Brisbane March 3, 1918. Examination Fob labourers and lad la Bobers towns Ville District. ?. Applications will be received at the office of the maintenance Engin Eer Townsville until Friday March 28, 1913, from men Between tie Ages of 21 and 35 years for the position of maintenance labourer town vile dig 1 strict. Applicants must be of Rood physique and free. From All physical defect. The a Robalo number of vacancies during the next six. Months is 30. Applications will also a received at the Sajn time and plaice from Larbi pc when lie 14 and. Under 9li years for the position of lad labourer in the Townsville District. The probable number of vacancies during the next do months is 2. Applications must be sent in on the proper printed form accompanied by a birth certificate and testimonials to Rether with copies of the latter. It will nol be Nec Saiy to Send in a be of is but same will a collected from candidates on the Day of examination provided they Are up o the Standard of physique required Fri other particulars May be obtained on application to the maintenance Engineer. Towns Rill. By order of the commissioner for railways. ?. Arthur j. Of Cather 1578 ? ? Secretary. Of tvs Bountiful hour a x Long and interesting novel by Mirion of. Counsel for the defence. By Xerox Scott. Author of to him that hath a vigorous and Well worked out ame rican s Ory the Story has touches of an orig Nal Humour and there is a spice of Ore interest of quite uncommon flavor. Buck Peters ranch Manby Clarence e. Mulford. This is the Story of what happened when Buck Peters Hap along Cassidy and their Bat 20 a Socia ies went to Montana. Remittance Billy a very interesting novel by Aston hiders. Wind bidge by . A new. Novel by a new writer. Or Eiley is a new Arreor. And the Book is written for the entertainment of friends and without any thought of pah cation. The impossible she \. By b. Ramsay. Author of the Straw the key of the door twixt land and Bea no Josenh Conrad. The bin tiny & stationery warehouse. T. Willmett & sons limited. Get your bicycle re enamelled Tharby Motton Of you intend doing borne � amusement. Rlym1 1a t iotube87 r rely Usu. Tull via. A Lympia a lectures. Is. ? a Lympia a to stores. Direction ? bin and of Stu Aad . Hugh ii Loyd. Hugh Lloyd. Hugh Lloyd. Ough Lloyd. Hugh Lloyd. Hugh Lloyd. Hugh Lloyd. Hutch Lloyd. The world s greatest bounding Bope aerialist. ? v to Morrow. Grand Amateur to Morrow. All intending competitors please a a nines ii manager prices is 6d. Is and 6d bes erred 3s. Box plan a Phillipe e. Hal andr bwe Macaw. Stanleyb a Dulc ? ? ii ? Tan let stadium. Where the Vert Piot Eraa an worsened o direction ? Tan a a titans. Ial tonight. I All tie latest photo plays. 1 to night. Last night of present programme. ?. Last sight of present pbo0ramme. Sompra ? to Morrow night ? comiss ? the Gozt within the god within the Ood within ?. A ? obo. Page. Manager. Poms to the front et3ohbe party. A ? ? with tour assistance. ? Soho i of art.? ? St. Patrick s night Jia Clellan & Marttn. Site Day 16ui4aajloh, 1913. ? ? ? . ? \. ai m. I Good loads. Tut p8 to Magme tid Island. Firewood. I prompt delivery., i a. ?. ? . -r. A. J. Fir Price. Hayles s
boy ii ii Al Lannel mag it 7h Riaf build Htiu a 10.80, . Or \ ? ? ? a ?. / ? Oban Elk Tomro at Chobi Haj Syi ind batiftlay., Imam ? ? not Kab ? ? ? Moonlight trips a fells parties Spe ? ? ? ? sea Tript etc., Feairs arranged for. Townsville. Ass a sir a 1 T phone 68. Magnet hotel Kunio Bay. Photog r a by. Comfortable accommodation for. ? . boarders splendid bathing boating and fishing. Tariff is per week or late Tow 9 . It of Sass a a ssh. % with. Pond i Atudo Nereu. Wharves for Pironio Bay Nellio Baj special line of on painted portraits it and Areail on View at our i wedne9day8, and 13n Cabinet from mkt a. Saturdays at. 2.80 pin. 12 cabinets and one 12 x 10 sunday 19.80 . And 8.30 enlargement ? 17o m special tips and of Penlight Mexcur ? Sions can be arranged. ? a w of Board hotel a. M. Urry s studio South Townsville. ? opposite Howard Smith. Ltd. My frs Beer. To ind Totrel peace act your Garden Atte nmn. Of_m�2.get your tools from hot Lubba Notice to employers of Peb the Bxs Eru in this . 60nb employer ten be meat a Fefe Jaami Whf Lear. .–.-. ? Board for air Kyj Bye. Kebble Chi Torton 22s 6d. With n Wenry one Day from oaskinery58 a ass at a Engineer s handbook is 6d. Forms May. Be Oma ined on a Pica Handyman s in Edibe it than Tion at the Industrial Regis trans office 9s 6d_ ? or from the local inspector of Vaa ?. Tories and shops at Bowen. Cairns 3olonial libraries taper nov Charters towers Cloncurry. Cook ? Ere is a adj to Clear ? town Croydon Herberton. Hughen Den. And Townsville. ?._. Wood photo frames for Post John j. Mcgee Industrial big to cards to hold six 6s and 4s 6dj . ? To. To hold four. 4s. ? Industrial Reg pcs office. Indus trial court Brisbane. 4th March fresh supplies of ims ? 16 is aluminium Beames. Tracts. Are facts and words George cbipp6. Set i soss3 v squarely in the face. The Frame shop. Opp. Post office. ? t1he people s Palace it is � fact that Walker sell sly salvation army by ots shoes. Hosiery . Clothing. Corter Oft set uck wooo � cheap As it of us per. I Terete. I. I .?-.? ? near new Bai Wiy station Townsville. a pact that Walker s shop ? ? ? ? 7 is in Stoke treet Fieri first class accommodation bulletin office. Single and double booms. _. J in fact if you Are Wise Ubu will Twe every convenience and Comfort him a in j test hj8 goods by Pur chasing your supplies. Tariff 25s per week. Apply the the manager. ? ? ? ju3paibs while you wait. Ciha Brook s famous Ginger v Beer and horehound ? on Sale at leading hotels. V f. J. Walker. Est in the Market. ? delivered at a reasonable Price to any mag Mountain girl part of. The town. 1 Payne or Sivine. Because of its genuine human into ? _ rest and strength of characterisation Thomas Brown & sons. A Mountain girl is going to have sole agents for Townsville and distinct. A wide air Clation. T7\0r office fittings and Furni the adventures of miss x1 Tore business people shout see � Gregory p. E. Gibbon. . New supplies.? spbcu1T to gift the do doctor Richard Dehan j givers. And in get Fate knocks at. The door a. Mcallister jeweller. F Linden Street. East. D. W. Hastings & co., will include easter presents in his Flinders Street. Big discount Sale. ?. Imp motion invited. Make your ejection Early. Spectacles j. A 4 p ?sssa.rlrsw& so ,h,, a bicycle be name used at ? tort Street. To Harry motion ? / ?. specially re Ore Lear Al work i. Quaran general notices. Raster 11913 ? irgli6 Smith & co., the famous Low Price do apes the pick of new autumn novelties. Secured in the Southern markets by my Inglis Smith. New silk and Gud ube lace collars including the hew coat costume Collar. New belts and beatings. New laces and embroideries. New bags and purses. New gloves and hosiery. Our show Boom w. V. � crowded with new costumes and blouses new hat band ceilings new Flowers and feathers new ribbons and hat bands our milliners Are Busy with easter or. Den so now is your time to get fixed get first pick at our bargain counter costumes and underclothing. Ladles one piece Stripe Cambric cos. Tumes. Regular Price 7s lid now is ladies White Muslin blonde finery tucked now a us. Ladies White Rimi Sacram now is lid. Our clothing and Mercery department is overflowing with new shirts and ties new hats and Caps new books and braces for men. Youths and boys. See our windows. Inglis Smith & co., the people s drapers. The sted a b c a d jul stocktaking Sale. Tum Over he pages of the by. He tin and you will find a second list much More interesting than this. Now turn Over. Pirate alarm clocks 6s 6d, now 4s 6d. Place handles is w to is lid now 4$d. China Sweet dishes 6d each now 1w 1 egg skiers go and 9d each now 3d each. ? methylated spirit id bottle now 3d. Band soap 3d cake now 23, Knopf paint cd. Now 4jd. Aisy Fly killers a now 9d. Last Fly traps is 6d. Nov is. Lour sifter 1b, no stiff Brilliant Shine ask Hov 7fd. Jin Blanc a Fuge Moulds 6 a now pow Irons Fis 6d. Now 4b 7jd. Kerosene pumps 8d, now b. Tin dip Tom is now .7d. ,. Asberto Toast . Now Ltd. Asses to s Toast Mats Gauze go now Ben pm Listi table knives is 3d. Now mid a bes English table knives is 6d, now Best a Plisk . Knives is 3d, now Sid. Dessert a Poon. 4d now 2d. Tab e Forks 4d. Now 2jd. Radio polishing cloth 9d. Now 4id. Daisy air Gims go 6d. Now 4s 6d. Liquid glue 6d. Now 2 d. School slates. 4 a now 3d. School slates. 6d. Now 4 d. Universal food choppers 66 6d, now 4s 71d. Letter pads 6d. Now 4d. To a pads. Us now 6d. Enre Lones. 4id. Now 2jd. Mote Bals 4d, now 2jd. Turpentine. 9d. Row 6d. Large padlocks 9d, now i i. The red Arcade Bale. Pya if. Suit Pyjama suits. Oxford. Navy. Green and Helio grounds re Kved with neat stripes. All sizes 6s. Lid suit. ? pyjama suits. Zephyr dark or Light grounds finished off Viii neat stripes 7s us it. Pyjama suits. Zip Iarj. Dark grounds. Fancy stripes 0s 6d suit. Pyjama bits. Ceylon Light make. Neat patterns. A sizes 10s fid suit. Pyjama 6u1ts. Ceylon Green grounds. All relieved with. Navy Helio and Green stripes. All Sices. 12s 6d suit. We Stock a foil Range of extra Larce size pyjamas so we can fit the largest Man. Hillman Bros., High class tailors and Gette. Outfitters. Townsville. The new studio. M. J. Nisbet. Unrivalled reputation for Exoe Jiencke in photo rabbi. Adj owning or. Nubert s beside too. Stoke Street. Telephone 18. ? ? it your Beyder enamelled at Harry Motton ? come of Ireland s vegetable and Kyj Flower seeds Are already sown and some Are no and will be Low Cria huiotrt8. Squeak Fleer Al Ilo Elcas. Fri o d.he66m a er8. Vacancies for thoroughly compe tent skirt bodice ans 6leeve hands. Highest wages paid. James Stewart & co., ? rockhampton.i6s. Aileen Smyth will resume teaching of music on the 17th instant. Attention in directed the Al Plica Ion by j. R. Mckenzie to close permanent a a Road in the Parish of Antill As published in the government gait to of lie in Maron 1913. 16550. James Tolmie. Job own land for selection. ? i a. Under mentioned land will be opened for agricultural farm Section at ii o clock . On tues Day. 1st april 1913, at the land office Townsville. Portions 171, 172, 234, and s86, Parish of. Inkerman Ait a de i tuned lately son a East of Iris Taiwan town Reserve �nd.2z-Ltgfn Seffl to 320 acres. 10s ios 16s per. Acra ? ? . Applications lodged up to the time of opening will be regarded As godfred at thai time. For further in bration apply to the land agent Townsville. 165047 department of Public lands. ? Brisbane March 3, 1813. Notice to mariners no. 4 of 1913. Notice is. Hereby Given that the station maintained at by wer More on Island for be transmission of weather and a hoping Signa a will be closed on St fotovat16th in Stant and on and after that Date such signals will be received and transmit Ted at Cowan Cowan situated 3 Miles further Cou h on the same Island lat. 27 8 South. Long. 163 23 East to which station the Ephonzo communication has been established and the signalling apparatus removed. Charts affected. Nos. 1020, 1670a, and 1070b j Australia directory vol. 1. John Mackay Farino department. Pm remaster. Brisbane with March. 1813. 16424. To the licensing court of the i j ceasing District of Townsville. Acting unde
r the liquor act of 1912. I Kate to Auster of Cromarty. Near towns i in in of Laue Enand spinster hereby Rice no Tice that i intend to. Apply at the sit Tings of the court to be held in be month of april 1913, for � provisional Certin Calre under the said act for the bremiwjk��ir4o�nd.itn�tod on one of subdivision one of portion 464. Of unto of Euphi Tutone. Parish of Abbottsford within tic said District. The said premises Arp now about to be erected and will when finished be in nil respects in accordance Nith the requirements of the said act my the plans hereto attached. Dated this Twenty seventh Day \ february. 1913. ? Kate Mcalister. Applicant. Roberts leu and Barnett so Ici Torosic or the applicant. Townsville ? 1 people s progressive ? league. Office Flinders Street Over new. Zealand insurance company. Open daily. 9 . To 6 . And for an evenings Frairie 7.30 to 9. Electors put on bolls. S at Nind Fitl eral. And nil _3 of Orrarat i Piven. ? j. B. Clegg. Bpm rotary. ? Fet your b Cycle to enamelled it w Harry Motton s.? for sate. 1 Telson Street cottage a be file up tended Al to mental cheap. Brownhill Kirk. Of two Cornett Anotai Linakin residence a a. Wakeford eeq., Alexandra a Reet. Brownhill Kirk. Dairy poultry pig . Handy to quilt did Opportunity Brownhill Kim. A or remo Good Fik oiled gotta go detached Kitchen tank Large Quantity Iron fencing. Rejected towns Vil e �266. Brow Hill Kirk. ? Plose to railway station cottage j property �320. 6 rooms a acre stables. Brownhill Kirk. ? 3360. Strand near a vie Large of House. Large it funds Brown Fiill Kirk. ? ft27 10s Deposit balance easy Hyde of Park residence. Brownhill 1 Kirk. ? Neville Street West ii i. Endive roomed cottage Pood i. Repair Possession e arly. �170. and wills Street near o a wed hear Church ill. Roomed residence. �340. Parket. Palmer Street near ferry. I a four roamed cottage. or Jones. �275. Pm of. ? Walker Street Ner school of arts. Two 6ix-roamed Lott Aries. Fenced. �700. Parkes. ? Chubch and Bhaw streets. Fipp Kyj roomed House 3 Roods special terms. �25. Parkes. ? if years lr1v. Ii a a i site orphanage Coit Aee. Furni tire. �250. Parkes ? Clor Sale one sulky in Good order also one set of harness. Al most new. Am la to nurse Paterson Evre Street. North Ward. / Fui a acre City Good locality two Largo houses very cheap readily return rett 12j. Will sell sep Arate y. Terms. Brownhill. Kirk. For Sale Elf Otrio storage eatery. Of 66 cells with aet 4i nere. Negative plates also Dynamo with spare Armater and Elee ? wanted. J anted a housemaid. Apply. I Crit Rion it to wanted a. Girl to assist in bar. ? apply Herbert hotel. Ito anted smart waitress. A 1yv ply metro Olhan hotel. \ wanted a Good waitress. J apply Early. Sea View hotel. ? ? it anted a Good plumber. A Ivy ply Ross River meat works anted a lady help. Writ . Bulletin of Ficaj anted a youth to drive cart. Apply d. While West end. Anted a Good Cook. Apply 1 hotel Metropole. South towns Volle. ? anted housemaid laundress also barmaid Good wages. Apply australian hour. ? wanted woman Cook 80s housemaid girl help. Bov Ger a Opp. New railway station. Wan Imd members . To at tend meeting in . Hall. To night. Important business. Wanted girl housework Stran Iger preferred Good Home f write Tea Haig wages urgent Foa office. ? it anted Fubini had h0uhb a. On .btrtnd. or Toth. War preferred. God tenant apply Wak. Fei Bros. ? ?. Wanted to rent by careful ten ant three adult furnished House from 1st april. Write Cen trial this office anted mrs Philip Gifford Forryan slate House new fast \ Galway enquire was. Re scam Mon. Townsville Harbor. Wanted every member of the Loyal Excelsior Lodge. No. 4, i.o.o.f., to attend meeting to night at 7.45, in ambulance Board room blurt Street. ?. ? wanted the Public to know. Only two weeks to go in which to secure a pair of trousers for no thing at Murphy s Globe tailoring do. See Large advertisement. ? wanted boy for saddlery Trade Good wages to suitable youth also food general jobbing hand. Isaac Bates. Saddler opposite railway station. Anted members Loyal Townsville Lodge meet to night in the . Hall Sturt Street West. The Only . Lodge in Pominville working under . Branch rules. ?. ? ? a i anted White Man Cook Herberto Coffee room waitress Innisfail a Rees ayr3offee Boom waitress Ond dining to Abr waitress housemaid. Waitress Kaufax laundress. Miss Cobb How us Smith buildings. ?